Martha Wilcox

Chief Marketing Officer

When Martha used to buckle her young son, Rob, into his car seat, or reach for his hand to cross the street, she would say, “What’s my job?” Rob would answer, “To keep me safe!” Now, two decades later, Martha’s job is to keep all kids safe. She oversees all aspects of marketing and communications with energy and creativity that are truly contagious. In addition to an innate drive to help parents keep their kids safe, Martha has extensive experience in marketing and communications, including leading major campaigns for the USO and the American Red Cross.

Blogs by Martha Wilcox

According to the family historian, I was not to be trusted.

At age two, I had been left alone for about a minute when I was discovered sitting in my parents' bedroom with a bottle of aspirin -- cap off, bottle upended, contents strewn about. (Clever girl!)

Hot stove tops can cause fires and injuries

By Rob Pickle, with an intro by his Mom, Martha Wilcox

Can you tell when your kid is telling you the truth? Our kids have no idea what experts we become in watching their expressions; after all we’ve been doing it since the day they were born. “I didn’t eat the cookie,” may be declared with conviction by a 3-year-old, but the crumbs on the chin tell another story.

medication safety

According to the family historian, I was not to be trusted.

At age two, I had been left alone for about a minute when I was discovered sitting in my parents' bedroom with a bottle of aspirin -- cap off, bottle upended, contents strewn about. (Clever girl!)